2024 Timetable

Term 1-3 Timetable

In Terms 1 to 3 classes focus on learning and perfecting routines in preparation for performances.

Day Team Type Age 31 Dec Coach Class Time Duration
MONDAY         4:00-5:00PM 60 min
          5:00-6:00pm 60 min
  Juniors Competition 11-13 years Jenina & Emilie 6:00-8:30pm 120 min
TUESDAY Tinies White Demonstration 5-7 years Renee 4:00-5:00pm 60 min
  Tinies Gold* Competition 7 years Renee 5:00-6:30pm 90 min
  Seniors Competiton 18 years + Renee & Maddie 6:30-9:30pm 180 min
WEDNESDAY Tinies Pink Demonstration 4-6 years** Jenina 4:30-5:30pm 60 min
  Sub-juniors Pink Competition 8-10 years Jenina 5:30-7:30pm 120 min
THURSDAY Future Stars Recreational 3-5 years Cheree 4:15-5:00pm 45 min
  STAR Technique Skill Based Cheree 5:00-5:45pm 45 min
  Intermediates Competition 14-17 years Maddie & Cassie 6:00-9:00pm 180 min
FRIDAY         4:30-5:30pm 60 min
  Sub-juniors Gold* Competition 8-10 years Amelia & Miriam 5:30-7:30pm 120 min
SATURDAY Tinies Black Demonstration 3-7 years Cassie 10:00-11:00 60 min
  Sub-junior Black Competition 8-10 years Cassie 11:00-1:00pm 120 min

*This class is by selection only
** Tinies classes are for 3-7 year olds. Class age ranges are a guide only.

Competitive Tinies

Returning Members

Students are selected for our Competitive Tinies Team based on their performance and participation in previous year and on recommendation from previous team coach. Students selected to join our Competition Tinies team will be notified by emailed in January before registration information is released.

New Members

New students who would like to be considered for our Competitive Tinies Team, please contact us.

Sub-junior Team Gradings



Our free STAR class runs during Term from February to July. 

After Comps Team Timetable

This timetable begins on return from competition break for Tinies to Seniors Team Classes. Future Stars as per Terms 1-3 Timetable. 

Term 4 classes will focus on technique, strength and flexibility training. Students will also work on gymnastics tricks and leaps on the air track. Students who are due to complete a skills exam will be notified by email which exam class they need to attend.

Day Team Type Age 31 Dec Coach Class Time Duration
MONDAY Grade 1 Exam Prep Skills 11-12 years Emilie 5:30-6:30pm 60 min
  Juniors STAR 11-13 years Jenina & Emilie 6:30-7:15pm 45 min
  Grade 2 Exam Prep Skills 13 Years Jenina 7:15-8:30 75 min
TUESDAY Tinies White STAR 5-7 years Renee 4:30-5:15pm 45 min
  Test 1 Exam Prep Skills 7 years Renee 5:15-5:45pm 30 min
  Tinies Gold* STAR 7 years Renee 5:45-6:30pm 45 min
  Seniors STAR 18 years + Renee & Maddie 6:30-8:30pm 120 min
WEDNESDAY Tinies Pink STAR 4-6 years** Jenina 4:30-5:15pm 45 min
  Sub-juniors Pink STAR 8-10 years Jenina 5:30-6:15pm 45 min
  Test 2 Exam Prep Skills 8-9 years Jenina 6:15-6:45pm 30 min
THURSDAY Future Stars STAR 3-5 years Cheree 4:15-5:00pm 45 min
  Grade 3 Exam Prep Skills 14-15 years Cassie 5:30-7:00pm 90 min
  Intermediates STAR 14-17 years Maddie & Cassie 7:00-7:45pm 45 min
  Grade 4 Exam Prep Exam Prep 16-17 years Maddie 7:45-9:15pm 90 min
FRIDAY Sub-juniors Gold* STAR 8-10 years Amelia 5:00-6:15pm 45 min
  Test 3 Exam Prep Skills 10 years Amelia 6:15-7:00pm 45 min
SATURDAY Tinies Black STAR 3-7 years Cassie 10:15-11:00 45 min
  Sub-juniors Black STAR 8-10 years Cassie 11:00-11:45pm 45 min

*This class is by selection only
** Tinies classes are for 3-7 year olds, noted class age ranges are a recommendation.


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